Dude Approved: An Amazingly Simple DIY Standing Desk

Standing is muy bueno.

I’ve professed my love for the art of standing: You Should Stand More.

I’ll let you peruse that gem for the details.

I used this beauty at my previous job for a make-shift standing desk…ugly, but it worked:

When I started working from home over a year ago, somehow I fell back into the sitting trap.

I had a desk. And a chair. No sweet boxes laying around…..so I sat. For waaaaay too long.

I looked for a DIY standing desk online from time to time, but never found one that tickled my fancy.

Then I came across A New Twist on the DIY Standing Desk on Man Made. Very sweet. Very easy.

How to: An Amazingly Simple DIY Standing Desk

  1. Buy extra-large shelf brackets and pre-cut wood. Lowes? Home Depot?
  2. Measure height of desk – elbow height, i.e. 44″ for a 5’11” person.
  3. Find stud to attach shelf brackets. Bonus Tip: Best Stud Finder
  4. Attach shelf brackets with wood screws.
  5. Make sure they are level.
  6. Attached wood to shelf brackets.

Bam! Super rad, amazingly simple DIY standing desk.

So awesome we have two at the Dude Casa…

Super sweet DIY standing desk



Totally Awesome Obituary

Obituaries are not my forte. But I reckon this is a pretty fantastic note to leave at the end of the line.

Walter Bruhl wrote his own obituary. And it’s totally awesome.

  • “He was surrounded by his loving wife of 57 years, Helene Sellers Bruhl, who will now be able to purchase the mink coat which he had always refused her because he believed only minks should wear mink.”
  • “Walt was preceded in death by his tonsils and adenoids in 1935; a spinal disc in 1974; a large piece of his thyroid gland in 1988; and his prostate on March 27, 2000.”
  • He chose to join the Marine Corps and serve in the Korean War “because of Hollywood propaganda, to which he succumbed as a child during World War II.”
  • “There will be no viewing since his wife refuses to honor his request to have him standing in the corner of the room with a glass of Jack Daniels in his hand so he would appear natural to visitors.”
  • “Everyone who remembers him is asked to celebrate Walt’s life in their own way; raising a glass of their favorite drink in his memory would be quite appropriate.”
  • “Instead of flowers, Walt would hope that you will do an unexpected and unsolicited act of kindness for some poor unfortunate soul in his name.”

Mr. Bruhl, you are were a rad dude.

Ware Wolves & the Hamster Undertaker

An early morning exchange to start the day at the Dude casa…

Princess: “Lilly died.”

Little Dude: “Was she killed by ware-wolves?”

Good question.

The tiny rodent that made a home in the corner of Princess’ room has moved on to the big hamster in  the sky.

The world works in mysterious ways, although, it’s safe to say ware-wolves were not involved.

And apparently undies, Chucks, and a lumberjack coat are proper funeral attire for a hamster undertaker. Good to know.

Via con dios Lilly.

PS – Is Princess praying for a bunny?

Double PS – I’m not sure that hole will keep Mama Kitty away from the sweet taste rodent remains.

A Most Excellent Paper Airplane [Quick & Easy How To]

We can’t all be origami masters, but we all certainly need some righteous paper airplane skills.

A piece of paper, a few folds – bam – hours minutes of fun for the whole fam.

I’ve always been a traditionalist when it comes to paper airplane crafting. Fold a nose, fold a couple wings and you’re done.

Then Need Supply Co sent the best paper airplane (ever) my way, and I’m a changed man.

Super easy. Great style. And flies like a champ.

Done and done.

We’ve been tossing a squadron of these bad boys around the house all day!

You wouldn’t let a Bald Eagle loose to fly around in your studio apartment would you? Of course not! Get this Thunder Piglet outside for a good throw with your mates! This is, in fact, the best paper plane ever. –

Kudos Need Supply Co.


Why is Steve Jobs Torturing Me?! [How to Save Your iPhone Battery & Data Plan.]

Look at that picture. Steve’s gloating, right?!

He is laughing at the torture he has rained down upon us mere mortals.

Not only has he attached a radiation inducing mini-computer firmly in my front pocket, but now he’s picking away at my sanity.

How is it that my iPhone battery dies sooooo quickly?!

And how – on God’s Steve’s green Earth – could I be using ALL of my data plan?!

After searching high and low to solve this conundrum, this is the best list of trouble-shooting tips I’ve found to save your iPhone battery and your data plan. Simple with solid explanations/directions.

Go defeat Steve!

Via con dios.

PS – Your battery runs when your data runs. Save your battery, save your data. 

An 8-Bit Dude. All is Right with the World.

Drunk Uncle is an SNL skit popular with the kids in the streets.

The Dudes are sans TV, so all I know is what I gather from the Tube of You

Photo: Margarita day...  @alexbradshaw @caseybradshaw #topsailvaca2013

Which is made that much funnier by this guy…

Mrs. Dude’s bro.

You may recall this gorgeous grin after a couple too many margaritas on the Dude Fam Summer Vaca.

Like Madonna, he has since been known by one title…


As you might expect from Druncle, he’s not afraid to share a fantastically grown-up video game with a 3.5 year old.

Little Dude came home from a recent visit with Druncle to tell his dear ol’ dad all about pulling the “popo” out of their car so he could drive it and crash into things.

Grand Theft Auto. Yep.

To Druncle’s credit, the sound was off and the “no weapons” setting was on. Phew. At least Little Dude can only punch the popo.

As we watched the Super Bowl with Druncle the other day, Little Dude made it a point to show me the “car game,” as he affectionately calls the most obscene game ever created.

I was blown away.

Yeah, it’s violent. But that’s to be expected. And at the end of the day, it’s a game.

What blew me away was the the quality of the graphics. Wow.

I’ve never been a “gamer,” and I haven’t played something like that in years. It’s like you are watching a CNN newscast of an LA riot, and you’re controlling the participants. Very realistic.

Pretty cool. But it made me long for the good ol’ days of Nintendo. 8-bit video game magic.

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Select, Start.

Who’s with me?!

I grew up blowing in the games to make them work. Where we had to use our imaginations to make ourselves believe the goalie in NHL Hockey actually looked like a goalie….psst…he can’t save the shot that riccochet’s off the post!

Where’s the work ethic with this new-fangled technology and the high quality graphics?!

Luckily, the Big Lebowski can make things right. He always does.

An 8-bit version of The Dude. All is right with the world.

Hat tip Open Culture.

Dougie Does Dallas

Dougie Does Dallas.

A bad “adult film” title?

Nope. Just the newest blog to set the interwebz ablaze.

A blog about a cat, a dog, two humans & life – but not Dallas.

The finest English chap I know (also the only), and his leading lady hitting the open road, traveling west to east.

I’m giddy with anticipation.

And I’m pretty sure the feline is taking the pictures along the way. That artsy camera tilt. Dogs don’t have that creativity.

Brothers Hug. And So Should You.

Tommy Boy knew it. So did psychotherapist Virginia Satir…

We need 4 hugs a day for survival.
We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.
We need 12 hugs a day for growth.

We need hugs. Lots o’ hugs.

The good news for all of the parental units out there, kids are great at hugs.

9 Reasons You Need to Be Giving & Receiving Hugs Everyday

  1. Stimulates Oxytocin
  2. Cultivates Patience
  3. Prevents Disease
  4. Stimulates Thymus Gland
  5. Communication Without Saying a Word
  6. Self-Esteem
  7. Stimulates Dopamine
  8. Stimulates Serotonin
  9. Parasympathetic Balance

Jazzy’s Numero Uno

I think I say this quite a bit, but….

Dang, life moves quick!

The Littlest Dude crossed the numero uno threshold this week.

No teeth, and not walking yet. But the Man Cub eats like a bear! 90th percentile in length needs the fuel.

It was a pretty awesome numero uno b-day party with the extended fam.

Happy birthday Littlest Dude.