Order of Essenes Book 11 [Thought Gems, Purpose & Physical Fitness]

I love the breadth of topics the Order of Essenes covers. Working towards self-improvement from a variety of directions.

Book Eleven offers a few gems and a pretty solid daily movement routine.


Order of Essenes: Book Eleven

Thought Gems  💎

Adjust to the cold – When you step out of a warm building into the cold outdoors, take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath. This serves to drive the blood to the surface of the body, preventing the initial chill. Keep your mouth closed. Do not talk until your body has adjusted itself to the sudden change in temperature.

The Source, the Fountain Source, lies within each seeker.

Be not a mental spendthrift. Learn to stand sentinel at the gates of your thoughts.

The faculty of imagination is a life force – a power which is a starter, a beginner, an exciter – a foundation builder, without which man is but a piece of flotsam and jetsam on life’s sea.

The most powerful forces in the universe are the silent forces.

When anxiety steps in, correct judgment passes out. Calmness, poise, balance, mental serenity are essential to effective thinking.

A worthy ambition is to possess a mind as clear as crystal, and as ordered as the stars. We approach that as we learn to contact omniscience, and it is omnipresent.

The more one knows, the more one simplifies. Life is made up of simples,


Purposeful people are the winners in the game of life.

The objective is the most important consideration in life. There is, in fact, no definite place in
life for you while you are without purpose – objective – without a port of destination.

The possibilities for you are infinite. The consequences of your decisions now, will be eternal.

Make a plan—have a purpose as you advance. You will set new horizons. But today and now you must determine to quit drifting. Everything in life indicates the necessity of this. Here is opportunity – and the first requirement is the exercise of vision.

Forget the past whate’er it was. Your life is lived today.

He profits most who serves best.

There can be no other lesson, then, it is a great purpose which gives meaning to life. It unifies all our powers, binds them together in one great cable. Makes strong and united what was before weak and scattered.

Forget yourself in all that you do; this is the secret of abounding happiness and success. Thus, in the purpose or vision you create, plan to do something, to create something, that people need, require or will cherish. Plan something useful or that will cause for someone pleasure, pride of possession, or will profit them, or save them from danger, inconvenience, or embarrassment or some of the unpleasant things of life.

The genius is he who has intensified thought, made visions real.

Physical Fitness

The perfect functioning of the mind can best be accomplished when physical perfection is attained. Physical perfection, like any other accomplishment or thing worthwhile, must be earned.

Begin to think in terms of physical perfection and do something about it.

Physical fitness – see Book 11

Order of Essenes: Book Ten [Practice the Art of Living]

Order of Essenes Book Ten begins to discuss the “art of living” and the need to “practice” to build the life you desire.

I like this perspective. Reframing life as art, and thinking of yourself as the artist, gives you the freedom to explore, work with what you have, and enjoy the practice of improving every day.

Life is a research project, and you are the subject. Play, learn, and grow.

Order of Essenes: Book 10

Purposeful Planned Living

Purposeful planned living is the way to a more abundant life.

In the universal ever-present creative substance, there is the seed of every good thing –  health, happiness, success – waiting to be brought into manifestation in the material world.

The impulse and form of this materialization must come from a mind supplying a pattern or mold into which life essence is continually pouring.


We are capable of forging on the anvils of the heart that greatest of all emotions – love. We give it. We respond to it. We are elevated by it. It is the one known effective solvent for human problems.

1, 2, & 3 Story Intelects

There are one-story intellects, two-story intellects, and three-story intellects with skylights. All fact collectors, who have no aim beyond their facts, are one-story men. Two-story men compare, reason, generalize, using the labors of the fact collectors as well as their own. Three-story men idealize, imagine, predict; their best illumination comes from above, through the skylight. -Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Streams of Habit

Many of our streams of habit are canalized toward useful and desirable goals; others are like meandering rivers which always take the line of least resistance. The longer our lifestream follows its aimless course, the deeper the river bed and the harder it is to cut through the enclosing banks.

Cleanse your mind of negative destructive things – doubt, worry, or fear – those pictures of want, and lack and illness with which you have flooded your consciousness.

The human body is a complex and highly integrated machine. It takes food, air, and water and converts them by chemical and biological processes into flesh, blood, bone, and energy. In the production of these, it employs various chemicals of its own creation.

Many and varied chemicals are formed by thought processes, moods, feelings, and emotions. These thoughts – and chemicals – affect the material man in a direct physical manner.

Life is Research

Research sounds formidable but on the contrary, it is very simple.

Chas. F. Kettering says, “Research is nothing complicated. It may use a laboratory and it may not. It is purely a principle and everybody can apply it in his own life. It is simply a way of trying to find new knowledge and ways of improving things which you are not satisfied with.


What are some of the things you would like to have? Why can’t you have them?


Write down ten things that you don’t like about your business, about yourself, or about the way you are doing things. (If you can’t think of ten things, there is something wrong with your imagination and vision faculties.)


Now try to work out some way of correcting those ten things. If No. 1 is too difficult to solve, try solving the others, just as you put a word in a crossword puzzle. Each of these problems that you solve will make the others easier. You will be surprised when you find how well they fit into eachother. If you do that, you are a research worker (subject-yourself). 

Practice the Art of Living

There is one basic fact in life which you must accept. That fact is that life itself is perfect.

The mastery of life is achieved by the ceaseless practice of the mechanics which make up the art of living.

A good personality is the result of practice, not introspection.

We stress doing definite important things, as the road to health, happiness, and success.

You must understand the mind, conscious, subconscious, and superconscious, but the mind is intended to think with, not to worry about. It is an instrument to live with, not to live for.

Every human being is endowed with an infinitely precious stock of attention power, but daily the mind is assailed and distracted by a thousand appeals and distractions.

In this work, your success, your attainment of your longings and desires, will largely depend upon concentration, meditation, determination, expectation, and action.

For a moment contemplate in review…

Your physical body is ever-changing and every twenty-four months you are practically one hundred percent a different individual physically. Every new cell or atom or life unit added is perfect and without age; it will in its new home and new life form, conform to its surroundings; it will be endowed from the first instant with intelligence, mentality, character, consciousness, it will be stamped with the real You trademark, and thenceforth subject to the chemical and biological changes. It will respond to, and its destiny be subject to your thoughts. It will make up one of the billions of the component parts of your subconscious. It will ever work towards perfection unless guided or influenced for imperfection. It will observe the unchanging and unchangeable laws of unity and harmony. It will die, pass on, and change when the law is violated. It will ever keep its contact with universal intelligence, the omniscient, from whence it came. Everything is included in a ceaseless interaction of cause and effect.

Nothing can escape nor set aside the law… “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” is as true in the invisible realm as in the field of agriculture. No one can deny it, nor can one cheat the law, and no one escapes it.

If one would come to know the greater-self, let him enter his own closet and shut the door. There he will find his most dangerous enemy, and there he will learn to master him. He will find his true self. There he will find his truest friend, his wisest teacher, his safest adviser-himself. There he will find abiding within himself the Holy of Holies.

Finally, from weakness to power; from sickness to health; from discord to harmony; from failure to success; from misery to happiness—all these positive developments are for you to demonstrate.

The Essenes principle is this: Each has the power for potential perfection.

In the course of these Instructions, you will come to realize the almost magic-working possibilities, which can result from meditation, concentration, and affirmation.

Before you arrive at that stage, however, you must be conditioned, prepared, and instructed upon the subject of relaxation, so that satisfying results may be attained, easily, simply, and always naturally.

*Relaxation Exercises* – see book…

Positive Thinking

Every thought which you project into the universal creative substance will be worked out in your body or affairs, just as you picture it. How foolish and destructive therefore to project what you fear and do not want. Is it not the more sensible thing to picture clearly the things or conditions you desire.

Think positively of good fortune, not negatively of misfortune.

The electrons of man’s brain are stirred to action by faith and acting concurrently with the spiritual ethers, they hasten nature to produce quickly what ordinarily requires months of seedtime and harvest,

Order of Essenes: Book 9 [Live with Intent – Your Mind and Life are Woven Like a Quilt]

The subconscious mind is powerful. By some estimates, it manages 95%+ of your moment-to-moment activities.

But a cool lesson in Order of Essense: Book 9 is the idea that your conscious mind is the guide of your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious extends to the farthest reaches of your microcosm – each cell –> atom is a miniature version of you.

Each and every thought has the potential for far-reaching effects, guiding those moment-to-moment activities.

Live with intent, and you create your Life.

Order of Essense: Book Nine

The never-changing laws of nature are operative.

The ancient fact of life remains, that purposeful people, who know what they want, and intend to get it, somehow, sometime, always have a considerable edge over casual, contemplative people who rather like the world in general, and would be mildly pleased to have life drop something nice in their lap someday.

Thought Gems  💎

We all see what we look for.

When you think a thought, you never can tell how far its intent may reach.


You can plant, or permit to be planted, in the subconscious a thought, idea, plan, vision, impression, or feeling, and it grows just as though you planted a seed in a garden, or inserted a bud.


You can plant the seed that is called autosuggestion. You, the conscious you, just talk to or command or hold in mind as a good idea the thought, with insistence that it must have your attention or must be remembered, or must have an answer.

If someone gives you an idea by statement, command, suggestion, or if you get it from a newspaper, book, or even the impression from the acts and manners of another, and the idea or impression is acceptable to your conscious mind and you are moved or swayed by them—if they make a favorable imprint, they are suggestions.

So your subconscious can be reached by suggestion or autosuggestion, and will respond, sprout the seed, or nourish the bud.

Every action and movement of your internal organism – except some chemical changes – is effected by your will, manifesting on the subconscious plane.

All life action is mind action – mostly subconscious mind action. Life and mind are not for one instant separated.

By no physical law/theory, or mechanistic theory, can the marvelous life processes be explained.

Power of mind over matter…

The true condition is “mind over mind” – the conscious over the subconscious.

The condition may be readily demonstrated and manifested by you or by anyone willing to take the pains and make the effort.

There is no doubt the conscious mind positively influences the subconscious – the regulator of life processes.

Here is a tremendously important and vital fact: Each atom of your body, each cell, each drop of your blood, contains the life principle and each is you in miniature! Each contains the subconscious mind!

All life action is mind-action. Life and mind are not for one instant separated.

Thought Gems 💎

We may all possess wisdom if we are willing to be persuaded that the experience of others is as useful as our own,

Vitamins, minerals, diet… (see full book for details)

PS – I like the metaphor of Quilt in the title. There are a lot of quilts in our life – variables that layer upon each other. Mind and Life are, perhaps, the meta-Quilt.

Not implicitly connected here, but if you want to go down a health rabbit hole, check out the Quilt explained by Dr. Jack Kruse.


Order of Essenes: Book Eight [Use Your Subconscious Mind, Smile, & Practice the Law of Giving]

Order of Essense: Book Eight continues to discuss the power of thought, but also digs into the subconscious mind, reinforces the law of giving to get, and shares instructions to smile – starting now, where you are.

Book 8 definitely packs a punch – similar to all of the Books that have preceded it.

As with all of the Books, there is benefit to reading and rereading – gems are hidden in the details and built upon habits overtime. But I predict your first read will offer improvements that can change your world TODAY.


Order of Essenes: Book 8

Your life is an individual process.

You can and will succeed in all your efforts, and your heart longings will become realities if you but observe the natural laws.

There is one law that you must learn – the law of giving, that you may get.

The master tool with which great men work in this world is intellect, and when properly contacting the infinite, there is no limiting factor.

The individual determines his own position in life, according to the amount of intelligent effort exerted.

It is for this reason that men will never be equal because there are those — the majority — who will not work to acquire this inner power.

Thought Gems 💎

  • Activity is the great law of life and growth. Inactivity is the forerunner of decrepitude and senility.
  • There is creative power in the spoken word. We must be careful how we use it or we shall be creating more ill than good. Your words may bring good or evil to you.
  • When we know the truth and act upon it, life answers our imperative call, life becomes what we wish to make it.
  • Realize that thought is creative, and use it to create contentment.
  • Trouble does not beget itself. It is born of thought. It is nourished by the troubled quality of the thoughts we allow to creep into the mind. It stays only so long as we continue to nourish it.
  • Each has himself as a laboratory and subject for experimenting.


it is on these hidden planes that the major portion of our mental work is performed. It is here that the most important of our mental processes take place.

Your past study, experience, and observations constitute the knowledge you possess. You have ideas, plans, purposes, ideals, and longings. You are perfectly aware that you possess these. At this moment you have but an infinitesimal part of these “in mind.” In other words, you have but one or two things in the field of your ordinary consciousness

They are on a plane beyond or below the field of ordinary consciousness. At will, you can turn your attention in the direction of these things, and instantly they proceed to come to the plane of your ordinary consciousness.

The subconscious presides over and directs the activities of each individual cell of your body.

It governs the vital processes.

In addition, the subconscious mind supervises those actions that are called instinctive or habitual. Again, your emotions are generated in the subconscious mind and are passed up to the conscious mind.

A great amount of creative thinking is done by the subconscious.

As you contact the subconscious, knowingly and confidently give it the tasks of reasoning and judging. You will not only relieve the mental strain incident to conscious action, but as you will begin to manifest faith that the decisions and judgments are from the omniscient. By acting in accord with such judgments and decisions, you will progress as you have never progressed before.

You will feel relaxed with the subconscious in control.

There is a unity between the conscious and the subconscious. The subconscious accepts, without question, what the conscious gives it. The conscious mind is the door to the subconscious for its facts gathered by the physical senses, and it knows the answer to the problem submitted based on the premises given it.

If mental processes can be so destructive in such a short period of time, that they could be equally constructive in the same time under proper inspiration, and with constructive mental pictures, lived with equal vividness.

The more reasonable and scientific way is by the substitution of positive thoughts, acquiring new interests, setting new goals and ideals, taking on new activities, habits, friends, attitudes or mental processess.

As you progress, you will learn that life is made up of simples.

Instructions – Smile
When you get up in the morning and are dressed and ready to leave your room, look at yourself in a mirror, and then put on a smile – not a smirk, but a real smile. One that comes from the heart; one denoting gladness and happiness.

Smiles are the only potentials known that move things whether they intend to move or not.

Whomever you meet during the day, smile.

Start right at home.

Smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone.

The world is a mirror.

Joy and gladness, and the habit of good cheer, are creative and positive forces, and are tremendously uplifting and stimulating.

It is just human nature to love charming traits and agreeable qualities in people.

It is all based on the law that as you give, so shall you receive.

Thought Gems 💎

  • When one labors long, endures much, working toward a goal, and finally arrives, there is an intense appreciation of the rewards. Had they come without effort, they would be valued but little.
  • Your dominant thinking is the set of plans and specifications you prepare, and your life will be in accord with these plans and specifications. Your present situation is the payoff by the universal, as you planned and specified.
  • It is as though nature conducted a bank—with health, wealth, and happiness on deposit. To draw on this storehouse is positively and simply a matter of attunement of your consciousness. That means you must make your dominant thinking an architectural pattern, according to your desire-health, wealth, or happiness.
  • There is a universal power or principle which permeates the entire universe and we are immersed in it, just as much in one place as another, and it is our thoughts that attract it or repel it.

Order of Essenes: Book 7 [You Become What You Think]

Order of Essenes: Book Seven offers some great first-principle thinking to keep your best-self on its best Path.

  • You become what you think
  • Practic unselfishness
  • Cultivate friends
  • Take action: do good vs. be good
  • Chew your food more

Keep those thoughts marching in the right direction.


Order of Essenes: Book 7

“He can, who thinks he can.”

Repeat this! Do it again and again!

When you realize this eternal truth, something within you will stir you to go forward, and at the same time by natural law, there will be added unto you something which will enable you to carry through to success.

Every right thought we think, every unselfish word or action, is bound by immutable laws to be fraught with good results.

We must learn to lose sight of results, quit thinking in terms of effects, and center upon cause. Let results or effects be a natural outcoming.

If you will recall the subject upon which you most frequently and intensely think that to which in your silent hours your soul most naturally turns, you will reveal the destination of the road you are traveling.

Your thoughts of today, yesterday, last month, last year, and throughout the years that are past, indicate your state of health, your position in life, your friends, your financial condition, and all that there is to know about you.

There is an unavoidable tendency to become the embodiment of that quality upon which one most constantly thinks. It is the law.

Deep down below the subconscious mind is the universal subconscious Mind; or to be more accurate, there is but one subconscious Mind.

What we look upon as being the individual subconscious mind is simply the limited use we make of the universal subconscious Mind.

It is of supreme importance to think right.

Our first need is to align our thinking with principle.

No one can do our thinking for us. We must each individually work out life’s beauty of pattern, its harmony of coloring, and its deepest meaning.

Selfish vs. Self-Sacrifice

By nature, the individual is selfish and inclined to follow his own impulses. The road to self-realization is by the route of self-sacrifice.

Think in terms of cultivating friendships.

From a psychological standpoint, all friendship involves the artificial process of subordinating one’s own interests and inclinations to those of others.

Not only do we ask you to cultivate friendships, but practice unselfishness.

Most people who are unsuccessful and unhappy are in that position because their daily thoughts and actions are tainted with selfishness.

Trying always to get, actually pushes away the object sought. Getting is an effect, a reaction; giving is the action which is followed by the sequel of gifts to the giver; hence giving is the cause of getting.


The road to health, happiness, and success lies in doing things, in work.  Not in being good, but in doing good.

You cannot self analyze nor merely think yourself into happiness, health, and success.

Naturally, you cannot perform except as you think and will. Thinking thoughts of love must be followed by love. Those who love are willing to serve and sacrifice themselves for those they love.


  • Chew more
  • Chew each bite as long as it tastes good, or until it thoroughly liquefies.


Order of Essenes: Book Six [Your Thoughts are More Powerful Than You Realize]

Order of Essenes: Book 6 is short, but powerful.

Our thoughts, and the mind that works with those thoughts, offer much more power than we realize.

Opening ourselves to this power from moment to moment gives us a deeper appreciation for our journey and builds the framework of a great life built on consistent habits and thoughts.

Take control of your thoughts and take control of your life…

Order of Essense: Book 6

All mental states are followed by some bodily activity of some sort. They lead to inconspicuous changes in breathing, circulation, general muscular tension, and glandular or other viscereal activity, even if they do not lead to conspicuous movements of the muscles of voluntary life. All states of mind, even mere thoughts and feelings are motor in their consequences.

Thought Gems 💎

Hate, envy, suspicion, fear and worry and the ugly things of life disappear when snowed under by courage, faith, friendliness, love and confidence.

When you make a mistake, don’t look back at it long.

Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.

Understand that the mind as commonly understood, is an instrument much like a trolley pole, or third rail contact, that can reach inwardly and outwardly and tap powers and resources undreamed of by the mill run of people – this is the beginning and basis of real advancement.

The great intelligence is revealed through nature.

Pettiness is always the soul’s corruptor.

Every thought you let yourself think, every emotion you permit yourself to enjoy leaves its mark and helps either to make you insufficient for life or to give you some greater sufficiency. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Let a man make it his habit to refuse pettiness day by day and to choose robustly, and he can little by little develop a soul which shall, at last, become equal to anything!

It is given to the world to learn one great and divine lesson—the lesson of absolute unselfishness.

This too shall pass.

Worry—is weakness. You will always find a streak of selfishness behind every worry.

In the end you find that trials, difficulties and misfortunes have taught lessons–strengthened the human fibre, sharpened the tools used in life’s battles, and that all things work for good in the end, for it is the law that the life principles are ever working for perfection.

The only fundamental way to change things is to change your consciousness.

You cannot cheat nature – it is the law that you must and always will attain the condition that belongs to your consciousness.


If you don’t know where you are going, you are lost before you start.

The fellow who falls down on the job will be back on his feet a lot quicker than the one who lies down on it.

The way to judge your ideals and methods is to look around and see how far they have brought you,–and work.

Some folks get all the life kicked out of them trying to get a kick out of life.

Order of Essenes: Book 5 [Common Sense Secrets to Success]

Occam’s Razor discusses the idea that the simplest of explanations is usually the most accurate.

I like simple.

Simple often seems to lead to common sense. Intuition.

Like Wu Wei.

Order of Essenes: Book 5 shares some secrets to success that will feel simple. Common sense. Intuitively correct.

And a fun experiment at the end.



Every effort in this world contains within it the seed of a just reward. Every thought and every act is cause at work; an effect is inevitable.

No effort is ever lost in the universe and that makes the law of giving operative.


Your start comes from expressing admiration. Such is the power of sincere appreciation and the expression of gratitude. Such a little thing and yet so powerful.

Common Sense

Common sense is a central sense, toward which all impressions converge and unite in one sentiment—the desire for the truth. People of common sense love directness and simplicity, and ever seek to reduce complications and problems to simples, knowing the world is made up of simples. Common sense is the art of resolving questions.

Don’t Quit

DON’T QUIT when things go wrong. When the road you’re trudging seems all up-hill, when funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when care is pressing you down a bit.

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Many failures turn about, when he might have won had he stuck it out.

Who are you?

How vitally important it is to learn that you are an unchanging you.

Grasp the idea that the body is just a garment and not the real you. Realize that your functioning mind that receives the messages of the senses, is an instrument for you to use, and is not the you. Your personality is your character role in the play going on, and not you.

Your success and happiness will form in the infinite and begin to manifest the moment you do.

Personality vs. Character vs. You

Your personality is the outward reflection of your moods—your feelings. your thoughts, your commands to your physical instruments.

Personality is one thing, and character another;

Your personality is what you appear to be. Your character is the sum total of real qualities.

You cannot say that the real you is your character. Character changes.

Secret to success!

The secret of success is to deserve success.


It is perfectly natural for all persons to desire health because health creates confidence and gives assurance; it is the foundation of hope and faith; it gives one courage and banishes fear; health is itself energy and force; happiness and success are its twin children.

The ideal of health that each should have is not merely to be free of pain and disease but a health surplus, a reserve in the physical bank. Abounding health makes the eye sparkle, the step buoyant; one has the feeling of vim, vigor, and vitality; it is a quality of the body that radiates; there is an inner sense of joy and gladness.

Health is the first wealth. Personal magnetism is largely a matter of health. The spendthrift of health is the most foolish and reckless of all spendthrifts.


The creative, restorative, renewing, rejuvenating principle, the life principle is within every one of us.

A serious illness should be regarded as an opportunity to gather dividends, and create energies, that in health were not possible. Like any major experience, illness actually changes us.

An inner liveliness, illuminating the spirit and features of those who have learned to look upon illness as a challenge that must be met with hope and courage. If you have never been sick, never lost so much as a day in bed—then you have missed something!

Power of Thoughts

Every cell in the body gets an impulse from every thought in the mind. Your condition is therefore your thoughts objectified or out-pictured.

Guard well, therefore, the wellspring of life against the poisons of worry thoughts, fear thoughts, anger, revenge, or self-pity. All phases of fear and anxiety contract the blood vessels and impede the free circulation of the blood.

Thinking requires concentration, and when one perfects concentration and shutting out thoughts, and can meditate and accept back from the subconscious the great within, the answer to life’s problems, one has gone a long way on the road to health, happiness, and success. Every philosopher, every sage, every savior, got his thoughts, ideas, theories, philosophies only during a period of meditation, or concentration, or application, or silent uninterrupted study and thought.

We suggest that you find some time and someplace, where peace and quiet prevail. Concentration you may have to learn by degrees.


  • A well-ordered life is like climbing a tower; the view half way up is better than the view from the base and it steadily becomes finer as the horizon expands.
  • It is good to dream but it is better to dream and work.
  • Faith is mighty but action with faith is mightier.
  • Desiring is helpful but work and desire are invincible.
  • Those with mediocre minds generally condemn and criticize everything they can’t understand.
  • Search as you may, you can find no evidence of a personal will operating in the universal-only changeless and unchangeable laws such is the “will of God.” If you would find the “Secret place of the “Most High,” the search must be within your own being. Within you is the shrine for resultful worship.

Instructions – Will:

In one simple sentence may be the conclusion from a life time of observation.

Concentration is one of the most marvelous forces that can be conceived. Without concentration, no success is possible.

Concentration develops all our senses and brings them to a degree of remarkable acuteness. He who succeeds in concentrating himself on a manual labor is certain to perform it with a minimum of fatigue, for he will be able to husband his strength, he will save himself from dissipating it in useless exertions, and he will concentrate all his faculties of attention, of calculation, of ingenuity, and of muscular power in order to succeed.

To think of an act which we are performing, to think of it alone, to concentrate everything and forget everything outside of it, there is the secret of so many successes, the explanation of so many good fortunes; the secret, also, of the immense influence which certain men exert over their fellows.

Order of Essenes: Book Four [Know Yourself & Power in Action + a Deep Self-Assessment]

New Thought is built on action and an understanding of your unique nature. Philosophy and ideals are important, but walking your unique Path leads towards success.

I dig the idea of taking control of what you can and letting go of what you can’t.


Order of Essense: Book 4 hits hard on understanding your unique path and taking action. The self-assessment is deep.

  • Power is ability to produce change.
  • Mind is passive power; thought is active power.
  • All thought has a tendency to clothe itself in its physical equivalent.
  • Think straight and life will become straight for you.


  • The physical body contains mind in every part
  • Our thoughts are like roots that reach out in every direction into the ocean of energy around us.
  • Those thought roots set in motion vibrations like themselves and attract the affinities of our desires and ambitions.
  • How little we appreciate the marvelousness of this exquisite mechanism of the mind. It forms the connecting link between the created and the creator.
  • Our theology and our creeds have too much of seriousness and sadness – too little joy and gladness – too much of shadows and too little of sunshine – too much of the hereafter and too little of now—too solemn, too sad, too serious.
  • The whole world is engaged in the invisible commerce of thought.
  • Sincerity is a human trait that is hard to counterfeit. It comes from the soul of a man and not from the calculating mind.
  • The more thoroughly we are submerged in the world of superficial trivialities, the further we are removed in consciousness from the world of principle.
  • The hope of the nation is in the individual. Men are not equal, never have been, and so far as we can now determine never will be–so long as ambition enters into the measure of a man, and free will exists, there will be leaders and followers.
  • Success comes only from each man’s individual efforts wisely, swiftly, incessantly exerted.
  • Permanent power cannot be acquired by any artificial plan of leveling men.
  • Only as you stay close to nature’s plan of encouraging that which is best, can you reach supremacy.
  • The way to get things in this world is to make yourself worthy of them.
  • By giving you set in motion a law that brings returns
  • You can’t just think and change your condition. You must act, and act according to a plan.


No one can hope to get the best out of himself, no one can expect to be adjusted, to forge ahead to health, happiness and success, unless he knows himself inside and out.

Take pencil and paper and actually answer the following questions yes or no and grade yoursef. Partly yes or partly no. Don’t try to give yourself the best of it. Do this honestly and conscientiously; give yourself the worst of it, if you even hesitate in the answers.

  • Are you ambitious ————-… or indifferent
  • Are you always calm ——-Dr do you get nervous or worry
  • Have you courage —————–Or are you fearful
  • Are you always cheerful ……… or gloomy
  • Have you enthusiasm —-.. or just luke warm
  • Have you faith—–or suspicious
  • Are you honest ——-or dishonest
  • Have you hope —-or despair
  • Are you always just or unjust
  • Do you love or hate
  • Are you loyal —–or disloyal
  • Are you bold -or timid, bashful
  • Are you modest – or egotist
  • Are you optimistic —————. or pessimistic
  • Have you patience – or irritable
  • Are you polite —–or rude
  • Have you self esteem or conceit
  • Are you sympathetic or apathetic
  • Are you sincere ——— or deceitful
  • Are you tactful or brusque
  • Are you truthful —- or lie or exaggerate
  • Are you unselfish ———- or envious or jealous
  • Can you concentrate —- rr do you diffuse
  • Are you decisive or do you vacillate
  • Are you economical — ——-or wasteful
  • Are you firm——-or unstable
  • Are you industrious ———or slothful
  • Have you initiative —————or wait for others to start
  • Do you persevere ————–or give up easily
  • Are you punctual ————–or procrastinate
  • Have you self-control ——— or rash
  • Have you self-confidence —— or doubt your ability to perform
  • Are you thorough ————- or negligent
  • Do you think for yourself…… or depend on others
  • Do you reason ———— or go on your feelings
  • Are you always considerate…. or thoughtless
  • Do you exercise judgment or act on impulse
  • Are you physically clean or “go dirty.”
  • Do you know your job or are you excelled
  • Are you a good listener or interrupter
  • Are you forgiving or revengeful
  • Are you generous or stingy
  • Are you friendly or cold and indifferent
  • Are you lovable or hateful
  • Are you one person at home, different in company
  • Can you hold your temper or go in rages
  • Are your moods under your will or are you temperamental
  • Is your disposition good or bad
  • Do you talk clearly and distinctly or mumble
  • Is your voice soft or harsh
  • Are you careful of appearance or slovenly.
  • Do you gossip and talk about others
  • Do you thoroughly chew your food or gulp it
  • Do you eat until you feel stuffed or in moderation
  • Do you think more about getting or doing
  • Do you think and say kind things r critical in thinking
  • Do you dwell in present, past, or future
  • Have you any secret past you are always trying to cover up…
  • Have you had any terrible experiences that keep coming to mind
  • Do you remember any treatment of your childhood or early maturity that has been a load on your mind
  • Have you it in mind to get even with anyone
  • Do you think anyone is trying to do you an injury, get even with you, rob you, slander you or “do you dirty”
  • Is there anyone you are always suspecting of ulterior motive, envy, jealousy, etc.
  • Are you domineering-bossy, giving orders, or hard
  • Can you cooperate with others or do you prefer to “go it alone”
  • Have you a secret ambition you have never carried out – What have you ever done about it
  • Do you think you have any special talent or ability you have never had the opportunity to exercise
  • Do you think you are getting a square deal from your employer, if employed; if in business for yourself, do you think any competition is more successful than you by reason of unfair trade practices
  • If you are not succeeding, do you think any other person is to blame
  • Do you talk too much
  • For lack of English words to express yourself, do you use profanity, or slang, or too loud
  • Do you think your eyes, your face, or your manner give expression to your feelings
  • Do you think anyone loves you
  • Do you love anyone
  • Do you think the world owes you a living
  • Make a list of the things you fear
  • Make a list of the principal things you think about in an ordinary day
  • Set down about how many hours a day you sleep, work, read, play, or other things
  • Make a time schedule.
  • Do you love a budget system for income and spending
  • Do you express or show appreciation for anything that is done for you or that you receive
  • Do you take any physical exercises
  • Do you stand erect, throw back your shoulders, or stoop and slouch
  • Do you walk with firm step or shuffle or slouch along
  • Do you keep your eyes up when walking or down
  • When talking to anyone do you look at them or down away from them
  • Do you ever give any conscious thought to breathing deeply
  • Are you graceful or awkward
  • Do you sit erect or slouch over cramping your lungs
  • Do you know any game, art, trade, science, subject or tricks so well that you could instruct others so that they could become proficient in them?
  • Do you belong to any club, society, fraternal order, civic organization, trade organization, union, brotherhood or church or religious order?
  • Why did you join it –  for what you could get out of it or for what you could do in it
  • Do you take an active part
  • Do you ever say kind complimentary, or considerate things to friends or acquaintances or to others, when merited and you have it in your heart, or keep silent and neglect it for any reason; why
  • Are you touchy, easily embarrassed, self-conscious, often offended
  • Are you efficient in any particular line of endeavor
  • Do you excel in any game or sport
  • Have you any work you do as a pastime or as an avocation and outside of your vocation
  • Is your sense of sight good
  • Is your sense of hearing good
  • Is your sense of smell good
  • Is your sense of feeling good
  • Is your sense of taste good
  • Is your skin soft, flabby, firm
  • Do you observe things closely so you could describe them later
  • Do you do any reading connected with your work, business, or profession, such as trade journals, treatise on the subject, etc,
  • Do you ever get by yourself and meditate or concentrate on anything; what
  • Can you keep your mind on one subject, or does it wander
  • Do you know how to relax your muscles, and get limp, and relieve tenseness and tension
  • Are you a good neighbor
  • Are you a good citizen
  • Are you a good brother, sister, mother, father, friend
  • Put down anything else you can think of about yourself.

Order of Essenes: Book 3 [Self-Engineering]

We continue our review of lessons gleaned from the Order of Essenes.

Order of Essenes: Book Three mentions the idea of “human engineering.” The entire Order of Essenes course is about self-improvements, but this is the first mention of the “human engineering” concept.

I dig it. I might modify to “self-engineering.”

Most of us haven’t graduated with an engineering degree, but we’re all engineers at heart. Will our constructs be strong and build us up, or are we building on a foundation of quick-sand that is pulling us down.

It’s your choice.

  • “The heights of great men reached and kept were ne’er attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night,” are words of wisdom, the expression of a universal principle.
  • You understand that you have taken years to acquire your present accepted opinions, your habits of thoughts and action. Your condition physically and mentally is the result of your past. Your social and financial position is an effect of long-standing causes. Life Science is a study of causes, and how to motivate them – human engineering.
  • There are unlimited possibilities for you. You will soon come to appreciate this — When you do, a new day will dawn for you.
  • When Christ, who was an Essene, taught that “as you give, so shall you receive,” he was not talking religion; he was expounding a metaphysical law that always works. The time and thought that you give to this study cannot be lost. No effort is ever lost. Men are not rewarded nor punished for their deeds, but by them.
    • Get what you give. Simple, but not easy.
  • If on all occasions you express thankfulness, that giving has an appropriate reward for you in the cosmic universe. If in your work you give your very best efforts, that form of giving will be rewarded though you may not appreciate it at the moment. Each should be a stylist in his work.
  • This is a world of cause and effect, of action and reaction, of law, of perfect order.
  • It is the dominant trend of your secret thoughts that make or break your whole career, which beautify or mar your personality and which render you either radiant or repressive.
  • Therefore, be more careful of your thinking than you are of your money if you would safeguard the greater values.
  • One of the first principles to learn is that there can be no effect produced, without there being a cause back of it.
  • Take the lantern in the hand and you will always have light enough for your next step, no matter how dark, for the light will move along with you. Do not try to see a long way ahead.

History: Egypt, Order of Essenes, and Jesus

  • About fifteen hundred years B. C. Amenhotep III, Pharoah of Egypt, is known to have written certain philosophies, and deductions with respect to natural laws.
  • A society known as the Essenes, two centuries B. C., which was a secret order,
  • Jesus at the age of twelve was adopted by the order and therein He learned principles, philosophies, and the secrets of the order of the Essenes.
  • He became so enthused with the teachings, and saw in them such possibilities for the human race that he became possessed with the urge to give to the world this understanding, and began his ministry at the age of thirty…
  • There could be no question but that the 104th Psalm of the Bible was taken almost literally from the writings of this Pharoah 1500 years B. Ć.
  • What Jesus was trying to teach was that the life spark, the spirit, the soul, or whatever it is within man that is permanent, the you, is a part of the universal.
  • All religions are but aspects of the one truth.

Instructions – Eating:

I’m not following these suggestions at this point, but they are very interesting. There is a lot of discussion online about these food combining ideas.

  • Scientific combination of foods
  • Proteins don’t mix with starches – different digestive environments
  • There are certain foods which together form a harmonious combination, and require the same digestive juices, while others in combination conflict, and the digestive enzymes are ineffective because in opposition. Making up a general list of these we find that there are two classifications, one that we can call positive, and the other negative
  • Polarity is operative throughout all Nature, as we have seen, and its cardinal rule is: Likes repel and unlikes attract. So we find that two positives conflict if combined, thus the rule is not to combine any of the Protein list with any items of the Carbohydrate list, either of them will combine with items of the Negative list. Another Rule, is, not to combine Proteins with a concentrated oil or fat.
  • The simple way to understand this is to take the list of protein foods which will follow and call it group one (1), then, take the carbohydrates and mark it group two (2), and then, take the Neutrals and mark it group three (3). Then remember you can combine in one meal 1 and 3, or 2 and 3, but avoid so far as possible combining foods in groups one and two.
  • Avoid too many soft foods that are simply swallowed without being chewed and are therefore improperly prepared for treatment in the digestive tract.
  • Never eat when you are mentally disturbed and the negative ’emotions are aroused. Do not eat rapidly. Thoroughly chew what you eat. Do not wash down food with your drinks. Have your food reduced to almost liquid form by the chewing process. Immediately after eating do not engage in violent physical exercise
  • A safe rule. Each meal a few simple foods. A variety in the different meals. Don’t strive for great variety in a single meal.

Order of Essenes: Book 2 [Power of the Breath]

Order of Essenes

Order of Essenes

I introduced the Order of Essenes in the last post.

Order of Essenes: Book 2 doesn’t disappoint – wide-ranging advice that reads like it’s been passed down for generations and closes with a focus on the power of the breath.

  • Life is a search for power; and this is an element with which the earth is so saturated there is no chink or crevice in which it is not lodged — “no honest seeking goes unrewarded.”. All the power you can ever use exists and awaits your intelligent mastery.
  • To each is given the power to become a master builder in the temple of destiny but it is latent power and must first be discovered, then used.
  • Let us do our best to satisfy the hunger of the mind, to ascertain the secrets of nature, to the end that we may make the invisible forces of nature the servant of man and fill the land with happy homes.
  • Our mental attitude, our heart’s desire, is our perpetual prayer which nature answers. Heart prayers, not head prayers, are answered.
  • Give me the storm and tempest of thought and action rather than the dead calm of ignorance or cowardice.
  • When we are in tune, life lengthens, fear dies, joy de ens, love intensifies and the world is free.
  • “A Life Principle” Be not disappointed, if you find the so-called supernatural is in reality perfectly natural.
  • He who seeks to discover must first reduce himself into a kind of abstract idealism and must make way for the faculties which meditate and contemplate, and give rein to the faculty of imagination
  • In this world, there is neither chance nor caprice, neither magic nor miracle. Force is eternal. It can neither be created or destroyed.
  • An open mind is the one essential–the first step, the great necessity, and the forerunner of progress.
  • You have a higher self and all the while you have been thinking in terms of flesh and blood, and not as a center of consciousness, just clothed by a garment of flesh.
  • To get these powers into proper channels, to come into a realization that you not only possess them but can manifest – make use of them in, every situation and under all conditions, in the everyday affairs of life, is our objective,
  • And just as a preliminary training we suggest that whatever task you are engaged in, whatever thing you have before you to do, do it just the best you know how, not to please another, but to experience an inner satisfaction on awakening of unused power sources.


  • After retiring each night and upon awakening and before you get up – lie prone (upon your back) then lift up or puff out the triangular space just below the sternum.
  • By “puff out’ we do not mean to breathe and puff out with your breath, we mean for you to learn to throw the abdominal muscles out and the diaphragm down.
  • The diaphragm is the arch of muscles over the abdominal cavity.
  • You will have the position correct if you feel a pressing outward high on the side of the ribs. This will free the solar plexus and put you in position for the next step.
  • When in position, close your mouth and inhale through your nose in a series of small puffs, the same as though you were pumping up a balloon short little strokes.
  • Fill your abdomen first, then gradually extend to the upper part of the chest, then after reaching your capacity in expanding, hold the breath for a short space.
  • Then get rigid or stretch-which is a tightening of the muscles of the entire body.
  • Then suddenly exhale through your mouth, ejecting the breath somewhat forcibly.
  • Don’t strain or try to over-do.
  • After some days or weeks of practice, you will be taking in a lot more air and expanding more.
  • You are requested to do this five times night and morning.
  • You will more than likely want to yawn. Go ahead and yawn, but don’t count that as one of the five exercises. That is just nature’s welcome and putting a balance in the system.
  • If you don’t pump that air into the abdomen and get way down with it, you miss three-fourths of the value.
  • When correctly done you have pressure from within, by reason of a full breath held, and pressure from without by reason of muscular tension.
  • The objective is to give a sort of squeezing to the cells of the body just like squeezing liquid out of a sponge – the cells and organs of the body being the sponge.
  • We want you to thoroughly understand the objectives of these exercises so that as you do them you picture in your mind what is taking place.