Order of Essenes: Book Eight [Use Your Subconscious Mind, Smile, & Practice the Law of Giving]

Order of Essense: Book Eight continues to discuss the power of thought, but also digs into the subconscious mind, reinforces the law of giving to get, and shares instructions to smile – starting now, where you are.

Book 8 definitely packs a punch – similar to all of the Books that have preceded it.

As with all of the Books, there is benefit to reading and rereading – gems are hidden in the details and built upon habits overtime. But I predict your first read will offer improvements that can change your world TODAY.


Order of Essenes: Book 8

Your life is an individual process.

You can and will succeed in all your efforts, and your heart longings will become realities if you but observe the natural laws.

There is one law that you must learn – the law of giving, that you may get.

The master tool with which great men work in this world is intellect, and when properly contacting the infinite, there is no limiting factor.

The individual determines his own position in life, according to the amount of intelligent effort exerted.

It is for this reason that men will never be equal because there are those — the majority — who will not work to acquire this inner power.

Thought Gems 💎

  • Activity is the great law of life and growth. Inactivity is the forerunner of decrepitude and senility.
  • There is creative power in the spoken word. We must be careful how we use it or we shall be creating more ill than good. Your words may bring good or evil to you.
  • When we know the truth and act upon it, life answers our imperative call, life becomes what we wish to make it.
  • Realize that thought is creative, and use it to create contentment.
  • Trouble does not beget itself. It is born of thought. It is nourished by the troubled quality of the thoughts we allow to creep into the mind. It stays only so long as we continue to nourish it.
  • Each has himself as a laboratory and subject for experimenting.


it is on these hidden planes that the major portion of our mental work is performed. It is here that the most important of our mental processes take place.

Your past study, experience, and observations constitute the knowledge you possess. You have ideas, plans, purposes, ideals, and longings. You are perfectly aware that you possess these. At this moment you have but an infinitesimal part of these “in mind.” In other words, you have but one or two things in the field of your ordinary consciousness

They are on a plane beyond or below the field of ordinary consciousness. At will, you can turn your attention in the direction of these things, and instantly they proceed to come to the plane of your ordinary consciousness.

The subconscious presides over and directs the activities of each individual cell of your body.

It governs the vital processes.

In addition, the subconscious mind supervises those actions that are called instinctive or habitual. Again, your emotions are generated in the subconscious mind and are passed up to the conscious mind.

A great amount of creative thinking is done by the subconscious.

As you contact the subconscious, knowingly and confidently give it the tasks of reasoning and judging. You will not only relieve the mental strain incident to conscious action, but as you will begin to manifest faith that the decisions and judgments are from the omniscient. By acting in accord with such judgments and decisions, you will progress as you have never progressed before.

You will feel relaxed with the subconscious in control.

There is a unity between the conscious and the subconscious. The subconscious accepts, without question, what the conscious gives it. The conscious mind is the door to the subconscious for its facts gathered by the physical senses, and it knows the answer to the problem submitted based on the premises given it.

If mental processes can be so destructive in such a short period of time, that they could be equally constructive in the same time under proper inspiration, and with constructive mental pictures, lived with equal vividness.

The more reasonable and scientific way is by the substitution of positive thoughts, acquiring new interests, setting new goals and ideals, taking on new activities, habits, friends, attitudes or mental processess.

As you progress, you will learn that life is made up of simples.

Instructions – Smile
When you get up in the morning and are dressed and ready to leave your room, look at yourself in a mirror, and then put on a smile – not a smirk, but a real smile. One that comes from the heart; one denoting gladness and happiness.

Smiles are the only potentials known that move things whether they intend to move or not.

Whomever you meet during the day, smile.

Start right at home.

Smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone.

The world is a mirror.

Joy and gladness, and the habit of good cheer, are creative and positive forces, and are tremendously uplifting and stimulating.

It is just human nature to love charming traits and agreeable qualities in people.

It is all based on the law that as you give, so shall you receive.

Thought Gems 💎

  • When one labors long, endures much, working toward a goal, and finally arrives, there is an intense appreciation of the rewards. Had they come without effort, they would be valued but little.
  • Your dominant thinking is the set of plans and specifications you prepare, and your life will be in accord with these plans and specifications. Your present situation is the payoff by the universal, as you planned and specified.
  • It is as though nature conducted a bank—with health, wealth, and happiness on deposit. To draw on this storehouse is positively and simply a matter of attunement of your consciousness. That means you must make your dominant thinking an architectural pattern, according to your desire-health, wealth, or happiness.
  • There is a universal power or principle which permeates the entire universe and we are immersed in it, just as much in one place as another, and it is our thoughts that attract it or repel it.