Order of Essenes: Book Seven offers some great first-principle thinking to keep your best-self on its best Path.
- You become what you think
- Practic unselfishness
- Cultivate friends
- Take action: do good vs. be good
- Chew your food more
Keep those thoughts marching in the right direction.
“He can, who thinks he can.”
Repeat this! Do it again and again!
When you realize this eternal truth, something within you will stir you to go forward, and at the same time by natural law, there will be added unto you something which will enable you to carry through to success.
Every right thought we think, every unselfish word or action, is bound by immutable laws to be fraught with good results.
We must learn to lose sight of results, quit thinking in terms of effects, and center upon cause. Let results or effects be a natural outcoming.
If you will recall the subject upon which you most frequently and intensely think that to which in your silent hours your soul most naturally turns, you will reveal the destination of the road you are traveling.
Your thoughts of today, yesterday, last month, last year, and throughout the years that are past, indicate your state of health, your position in life, your friends, your financial condition, and all that there is to know about you.
There is an unavoidable tendency to become the embodiment of that quality upon which one most constantly thinks. It is the law.
Deep down below the subconscious mind is the universal subconscious Mind; or to be more accurate, there is but one subconscious Mind.
What we look upon as being the individual subconscious mind is simply the limited use we make of the universal subconscious Mind.
It is of supreme importance to think right.
Our first need is to align our thinking with principle.
No one can do our thinking for us. We must each individually work out life’s beauty of pattern, its harmony of coloring, and its deepest meaning.
Selfish vs. Self-Sacrifice
By nature, the individual is selfish and inclined to follow his own impulses. The road to self-realization is by the route of self-sacrifice.
Think in terms of cultivating friendships.
From a psychological standpoint, all friendship involves the artificial process of subordinating one’s own interests and inclinations to those of others.
Not only do we ask you to cultivate friendships, but practice unselfishness.
Most people who are unsuccessful and unhappy are in that position because their daily thoughts and actions are tainted with selfishness.
Trying always to get, actually pushes away the object sought. Getting is an effect, a reaction; giving is the action which is followed by the sequel of gifts to the giver; hence giving is the cause of getting.
The road to health, happiness, and success lies in doing things, in work. Not in being good, but in doing good.
You cannot self analyze nor merely think yourself into happiness, health, and success.
Naturally, you cannot perform except as you think and will. Thinking thoughts of love must be followed by love. Those who love are willing to serve and sacrifice themselves for those they love.
- Chew more
- Chew each bite as long as it tastes good, or until it thoroughly liquefies.