The Dude is going to start dropping some links on the reg.
For those of us over 30, that means I’m going to begin sharing a variety of website links on a regular basis.
The internet is full of ridiculously awesome information. The amazing info is coming at me fast and furious, and I’m falling behind on Dude’s News; so I figure I might as well start sharing the amazingness the interwebs send my way continually, rather than falling behind.
Curration is the best way to describe it. (A few Dude favorite curration blogs are: Brain Pickings, Kottke, The Kid Should See This.) I’m collecting awesomeness across the intertubes and passing it on to you.
Really, I’m creating a catalog of awesomeness for myself, but I’m happy to share it with you too.
Let’s start with this super rad article from Wired Magazine about teaching kids how to program software. As in start teaching kids as young as 5 years old how to program computer software!
Insane. Awesome. Amazing.
It’s like learning a language, so kids are actually very open to it. Kidddos are at a perfect stage to start understanding and assimilating computer programming.
Super rad, and it just so happens that Papa, aka Little Bill, aka the Dude’s Dad, is a computer programming professor at the collegiate level.
Let’s get these kids programming.
Papa, what do you think, make sense? Are you available for online courses? 🙂