TKD IV: Princess Can Kick

TKD IV: Princess Can Kick

TKD IV: Princess Can Kick

The Princess recently graduated to a yellow-striped belt in Tae Kwan Do. This was her fourth two-month session in the past two years.

At the end of each session the kids break a board as part of the test to move up to the next level.

It’s a fun final session to watch. The room is full of excited parents, and even more excited kids. They demonstrate their skills, recite some knowledge, and end with a broken board.

It’s a great confidence-builder, for everyone, to see a little body breaking a board.

We’ve reached the age where the kids actually look like they know what they’re doing. It was an important session.

Princess went from stumbling around flailing her limbs, to a ninja in training. Check out this kick…


Little Dude…Being Little Dude

The other day I mentioned that Little Dude has a determined streak in him.

What I failed to mention is that The Boy is also chock full of crazy.

I can remember my parents sending me out to run laps around the house to burn off energy…and I was happy to do it. But, I’m not sure that I had this kind of energy at this age.

This is 20 seconds of video distilled down from five minutes of this same routine. Laps in the living room at 7 PM. Lunatic.


Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy

The Princess has finally had a run-in with the Tooth Fairy. I made the bold claim that a tooth was loose two months ago. It has finally wiggled it’s way out.

Since this is our first encounter with a Fairy of the Tooth variety, I naturally sought some sage advice; wikipedia and the Tooth Fairy.

Here’s the key point of wikipedia’s explanation of the Tooth Fairy:

The reward left varies by country, the family’s economic status, amounts the child’s peers report receiving and other factors.  A 2011 study found that American children receive $2.60 per tooth on average.

Somehow, Mrs. Dude convinced me to pay above minimum wage. You’re welcome Princess.

The Dude has been known to be a bit of a pragmatist on occasion. I often questioned the idea behind leading children to believe in imaginary creatures that come bearing gifts. Although, I now see the benefit of nurturing a young’ins imagination, and I credit the Tooth Fairy with helping open my eyes. Thank you Rock.


Jump School

It is awesome to watch Little Dude figuring life out. He is one independent and determined little dude. Not only does he know what he wants, but he also knows that he wants to do it.

He is working sooo hard to do what he sees everyone else doing. What seems simple, is anything but, when you’re just learning.

Here’s a quick video of Little Dude trying super hard to get his feet off the ground. He’s been putting himself through Jump School for the past few days.

Go get ’em L.D.
