Daily Pixels: Tomato Thief

Tomato Thief

Tomato Thief

Marley and The Hyena love fruit and vegetables.  They’ve feasted on organic goodies since they were pups.  But Beans, he’s not a lover of the veges.  

That is, until he realized they were readily available in the backyard.  Now we can’t get him to stop snacking throughout the day.

Daily Pixels: Dinner

We are on a picture taking rampage.  So, to help justify Mrs. Dude’s willy nilly spending spree on the new camera lens, we’re going to start a new Dude Knows Best section, Daily Pixels.

It will most definitely consist of pixels, possibly multiple, and we’ll do our best to hold true to the daily schedule…please check back (or better yet, subscribe in the top right corner of the blog).

First installment, Dinner:

One of the benefits of being gifted fresh, local shrimp (thanks Rex) is that you get to handle the full shrimp, head and all.

The downfall is that you need to take the time to remove the heads, but that is far outweighed by developing a sense of connection to the local ecosystem handling and preparing the full beast rather than the frozen, headless variety shipped from Asia purchased at most local Quick-E Marts.

Plus, you get to freak out The Princess!

The Princess & The Shrimp

The Princess & The Shrimp