Dove Man!

Dove Man

Dove Man

Well, the Dude is officially for sale.

After a year and a half and138 posts, the corporate sponsors are finally flocking to the land of the Dude.

Flocking?…perhaps a bit of an exaggeration. I got some free soap.

Mrs. Dude estimates the value of the package at $65. Not bad. So, a big thanks to Dove soap.

Dove contacted me asking if I would review their new men’s line of soap, and I’m not one to pass up some free soap.

A week or so later a box arrives addressed to “Dude,” and I was pleasantly surprised to find a great gift package. Two types of soap, deodorant, a scrubbing thing, and a sweet bag. Already exceeding expectations!

I’m a dude, so to a large degree soap is soap, but after two weeks of using the goods, I’m pleased.

All of the products smell like a dude, in a good way. But keep in mind, that means they are strong…which has pros and cons.

Taking a shower with the soap followed by applying the deodorant and a squeeze to the Mrs. can lead to choking on the strength of the dude smell, but hours later, a squeeze at the end of the day still elicits oohs and ahhs about how good you smell.

So, overall a score for Dove soap. It’s Dude Approved!

And let this be a tri-fold lesson to all of you corporate sponsors:

  1. The Dude can be bought,
  2. Exceed expectations, and
  3. The bar (sweet “soap” pun) has know been raised to free soap AND a bag.

Thanks again to Dove. It is now the Dude’s soap of choice.

You can find Dove Men + Care Facebook page here, where you can buy all the Dude Approved goods for yourself. Tell the Dude sent ya.

On a side note, we would need cable in order to actually watch TV, but the Dude has seen TV, and I’ve always been a big Simpsons fan. Great writing. So, when I accepted this lucrative offer from Dove, I immediately began referring to myself as Dove Man and in the classic Duff Man voice.

I don’t think Mrs. Dude has ever watched the Simpsons, but it’s been making me laugh for the last week.

Signing off, Dove Man…oh yeah!



2 thoughts on “Dove Man!

  1. Dude,

    This is revenue to the man. Better declare bartering revenue on your next tax return (2020?

  2. Ugh! So true Little Bill. See, The Man is everywhere. Can’t I just appreciate my free soap?

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