Order of Essenes: Book 9 [Live with Intent – Your Mind and Life are Woven Like a Quilt]

The subconscious mind is powerful. By some estimates, it manages 95%+ of your moment-to-moment activities.

But a cool lesson in Order of Essense: Book 9 is the idea that your conscious mind is the guide of your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious extends to the farthest reaches of your microcosm – each cell –> atom is a miniature version of you.

Each and every thought has the potential for far-reaching effects, guiding those moment-to-moment activities.

Live with intent, and you create your Life.

Order of Essense: Book Nine

The never-changing laws of nature are operative.

The ancient fact of life remains, that purposeful people, who know what they want, and intend to get it, somehow, sometime, always have a considerable edge over casual, contemplative people who rather like the world in general, and would be mildly pleased to have life drop something nice in their lap someday.

Thought Gems  💎

We all see what we look for.

When you think a thought, you never can tell how far its intent may reach.


You can plant, or permit to be planted, in the subconscious a thought, idea, plan, vision, impression, or feeling, and it grows just as though you planted a seed in a garden, or inserted a bud.


You can plant the seed that is called autosuggestion. You, the conscious you, just talk to or command or hold in mind as a good idea the thought, with insistence that it must have your attention or must be remembered, or must have an answer.

If someone gives you an idea by statement, command, suggestion, or if you get it from a newspaper, book, or even the impression from the acts and manners of another, and the idea or impression is acceptable to your conscious mind and you are moved or swayed by them—if they make a favorable imprint, they are suggestions.

So your subconscious can be reached by suggestion or autosuggestion, and will respond, sprout the seed, or nourish the bud.

Every action and movement of your internal organism – except some chemical changes – is effected by your will, manifesting on the subconscious plane.

All life action is mind action – mostly subconscious mind action. Life and mind are not for one instant separated.

By no physical law/theory, or mechanistic theory, can the marvelous life processes be explained.

Power of mind over matter…

The true condition is “mind over mind” – the conscious over the subconscious.

The condition may be readily demonstrated and manifested by you or by anyone willing to take the pains and make the effort.

There is no doubt the conscious mind positively influences the subconscious – the regulator of life processes.

Here is a tremendously important and vital fact: Each atom of your body, each cell, each drop of your blood, contains the life principle and each is you in miniature! Each contains the subconscious mind!

All life action is mind-action. Life and mind are not for one instant separated.

Thought Gems 💎

We may all possess wisdom if we are willing to be persuaded that the experience of others is as useful as our own,

Vitamins, minerals, diet… (see full book for details)

PS – I like the metaphor of Quilt in the title. There are a lot of quilts in our life – variables that layer upon each other. Mind and Life are, perhaps, the meta-Quilt.

Not implicitly connected here, but if you want to go down a health rabbit hole, check out the Quilt explained by Dr. Jack Kruse.


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