We continue our review of lessons gleaned from the Order of Essenes.
Order of Essenes: Book Three mentions the idea of “human engineering.” The entire Order of Essenes course is about self-improvements, but this is the first mention of the “human engineering” concept.
I dig it. I might modify to “self-engineering.”
Most of us haven’t graduated with an engineering degree, but we’re all engineers at heart. Will our constructs be strong and build us up, or are we building on a foundation of quick-sand that is pulling us down.
It’s your choice.
- “The heights of great men reached and kept were ne’er attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night,” are words of wisdom, the expression of a universal principle.
- Side note: I read a post by Cal Newport discussing Deliberate Practice Theory that reaches this same conclusion. Success is reached by hard work, not flashes of insight/ability.
- You understand that you have taken years to acquire your present accepted opinions, your habits of thoughts and action. Your condition physically and mentally is the result of your past. Your social and financial position is an effect of long-standing causes. Life Science is a study of causes, and how to motivate them – human engineering.
- There are unlimited possibilities for you. You will soon come to appreciate this — When you do, a new day will dawn for you.
- When Christ, who was an Essene, taught that “as you give, so shall you receive,” he was not talking religion; he was expounding a metaphysical law that always works. The time and thought that you give to this study cannot be lost. No effort is ever lost. Men are not rewarded nor punished for their deeds, but by them.
- Get what you give. Simple, but not easy.
- If on all occasions you express thankfulness, that giving has an appropriate reward for you in the cosmic universe. If in your work you give your very best efforts, that form of giving will be rewarded though you may not appreciate it at the moment. Each should be a stylist in his work.
- This is a world of cause and effect, of action and reaction, of law, of perfect order.
- It is the dominant trend of your secret thoughts that make or break your whole career, which beautify or mar your personality and which render you either radiant or repressive.
- Therefore, be more careful of your thinking than you are of your money if you would safeguard the greater values.
- One of the first principles to learn is that there can be no effect produced, without there being a cause back of it.
- Take the lantern in the hand and you will always have light enough for your next step, no matter how dark, for the light will move along with you. Do not try to see a long way ahead.
History: Egypt, Order of Essenes, and Jesus
- About fifteen hundred years B. C. Amenhotep III, Pharoah of Egypt, is known to have written certain philosophies, and deductions with respect to natural laws.
- A society known as the Essenes, two centuries B. C., which was a secret order,
- Jesus at the age of twelve was adopted by the order and therein He learned principles, philosophies, and the secrets of the order of the Essenes.
- He became so enthused with the teachings, and saw in them such possibilities for the human race that he became possessed with the urge to give to the world this understanding, and began his ministry at the age of thirty…
- There could be no question but that the 104th Psalm of the Bible was taken almost literally from the writings of this Pharoah 1500 years B. Ć.
- What Jesus was trying to teach was that the life spark, the spirit, the soul, or whatever it is within man that is permanent, the you, is a part of the universal.
- All religions are but aspects of the one truth.
Instructions – Eating:
I’m not following these suggestions at this point, but they are very interesting. There is a lot of discussion online about these food combining ideas.
- Scientific combination of foods
- Proteins don’t mix with starches – different digestive environments
- There are certain foods which together form a harmonious combination, and require the same digestive juices, while others in combination conflict, and the digestive enzymes are ineffective because in opposition. Making up a general list of these we find that there are two classifications, one that we can call positive, and the other negative
- Polarity is operative throughout all Nature, as we have seen, and its cardinal rule is: Likes repel and unlikes attract. So we find that two positives conflict if combined, thus the rule is not to combine any of the Protein list with any items of the Carbohydrate list, either of them will combine with items of the Negative list. Another Rule, is, not to combine Proteins with a concentrated oil or fat.
- The simple way to understand this is to take the list of protein foods which will follow and call it group one (1), then, take the carbohydrates and mark it group two (2), and then, take the Neutrals and mark it group three (3). Then remember you can combine in one meal 1 and 3, or 2 and 3, but avoid so far as possible combining foods in groups one and two.
- Avoid too many soft foods that are simply swallowed without being chewed and are therefore improperly prepared for treatment in the digestive tract.
- Never eat when you are mentally disturbed and the negative ’emotions are aroused. Do not eat rapidly. Thoroughly chew what you eat. Do not wash down food with your drinks. Have your food reduced to almost liquid form by the chewing process. Immediately after eating do not engage in violent physical exercise
- A safe rule. Each meal a few simple foods. A variety in the different meals. Don’t strive for great variety in a single meal.